Friday, February 26, 2010

Voters lose in Court Decision

The voters of East Greenbush and Rensselaer County have lost in court. Let me state up front, I don't believe that a person should hold two offices. There will be a time when there will be a conflict and one cannot serve two masters. Having said that, the Democrats have used dirty tricks again to go against the voters wishes. The voters voted for Cristo and Danaher to represent them at the County Legislature knowing full well that they currently were serving on the Town Board. The Democratic party sued the winners to have them removed from the Town Board. Now we will end up with just three members serving the five positions. The Town law requires a simple majority for a resolution to pass. That means the only way something will pass is for all three survivors voting together to get anything done. that include the appointment of two replacements to the Town Board. The next election is in November so I again state that the voters of East Greenbush are being held hostage for the next 9 months! Mr. Matters, DON'T cave in, stand your ground and represent your constituents. You are our lone voice in this battle. Please do not go along to get along.

Monday, February 22, 2010

East Greenbush Tea Party

The date is set for the first meeting of those interested in having an East Greenbush Tea Party. The date is Monday March 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm. It will be held at the East Greenbush Library.

We will discuss what needs to be done, what the format of the tea party will be and when we will hold it. The Tea Party is open forum and citizens of the Town of East Greenbush can indicate that they wish to make a speech regarding issue related to the Town of East Greenbush such as, the fiasco of the pending legislation for two board members status; taxes; the possible criminal acts that occurred during the change of government; the audit or many others. Please let me know if you wish to attend this meeting by emailing me at

Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting as it is an open meeting. We need many people involved if we are going to pull this together.

Friday, February 19, 2010

US Constitution alive and well in East Greenbush

I spoke to Chief Lavin of the East Greenbush Police this afternoon. He assured me that the East Greenbush Police adhere to The NYS and United State's Constitutions. We are free to assemble and express our constitutional right of free speach. Game on. TO the Tea Party.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sign, sign everywhere a sign

We now have an electronic sign at Genet middle school on route 4 where they took down multiple maple trees to be able to view this sign. Tax dollars paid for this sign and the tree removal. Another blog said it was paid for by a grant so it didn't cost us anything. Last time I checked, it was my tax dollars that paid for grants! If it is a state grant as reported, where did the state get the money, we're broke? Oh yea, they borrowed it so it will cost even more with interest. What about the trees they cut down, there goes their carbon footprint, less trees equals more carbon dioxide! the other new electronic sign is at the East Greenbush Fire Department - Park Station. It apparently replaces the temporary lighted sign that kept getting blown over with the wind (more climate change?) I understand that they got one hell of a deal on the sign and the Michels (the company who put up the new power lines) installed the sign for free. Just how many cars pass that station that they need any kind of sign there? I mean seriously, how many cars go by, excluding the return trip of people going to the store or work? Again our tax dollars at work. Oh I know someone will say it was the fire company, not the district that paid for the sign. Yea, where do they get their money? From the district for rent to house the trucks (tax dollars) donations (taxpayers money) or from pizza and fish fry nights (more taxpayers donations). Same well different bucket.

Right to Assemble - Not in East Greenbush!

I stopped at the Town Clerks office today to check to see if a permit was required to assemble outside of town hall for a Tea Party. I was informed that in the past, you could picket, but if you stopped you would be arrested for loitering. I have yet to check with the Police Chief, but what happened to our right to assemble? Apparently not applicable to the Town of East Greenbush.