From the Town website:
East Greenbush is Going Green!
As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Town of East Greenbush has been awarded a grant in the amount of $275,000 for the purchase and installation of a 50 kW Photovoltaic System at the Department of Public Works garage. This system will produce approximately 67% of the annual energy required to run the facility and an estimated maximum annual cost savings of $14,783. The project will benefit the environment with annual emission reductions of:
CO2: 55,876 lbs
SO2: 180 lbs
N20: 62.74 lbs
Upon completion, the performance and environmental impact of this project will be posted on the town’s website for the public to monitor.
Really? You state you will be saving money that totals $14,783 annually. Great put that money right to paying off the debt! Don't use it for anything else, it is like a $14,783 raise. PAY DOWN THE DEBT.
On a side note. We, the Town residents, are getting the system for free. Not really, just the rest of the nations overburdened tax payers are helping to pay for it. What is the cost of the system? If we paid for it, how long would it take to pay off the cost of the installation at $14,783 a year? Without inflation or anything else added in, 18 plus years just to break even. Watch how you complain when you see some "pork barrel" Project elsewhere from the stimulus package and complain about wasting taxpayer money. If the payback period is so long that the system would have outlived its working life, should we invest in it, regardless of who pays for it? Don't get me wrong, I am glad some are looking for ways to save money, but did we, the taxpayers, really save anything?
Time To Move Ann Taylor
12 years ago