Monday, March 1, 2010

Dwight leaves TU -EG Blog

If you have tried to read/post or re-read any of Dwight Jenkins posts on the Times Union - East Greenbush blog, he has deleted all of his postings. he is upset with the politicizing and apparent hi-jacking of his by-line on posts. I don't have any other information, but it is truly a shame that Dwight can be frustrated enough to cease writing his blog posts. I have invited him to create a blog of his own on where there isn't any apparent control issues. Dwight, please don't give up the fight!

Here is his (final) post from the Times Union:

Like everything else in East Greenbush I have come to the conclusion that the blog has been politicized. I won’t have my name associated with it any longer. I won’t have my name used by people with their own agendas and political connections. Anything I need to say now will be in person or in the paper. Go make your own agendas. I’ve removed my posts. Your comments, I’m sure, are buried somewhere within the bowels of the T.U.’s mainframe and can be resurrected, but not under my name. Adios, amigos…



  1. Now Dwight will be available to go to the Town Finance Committ meeting Wed night. If so, please Dwight, take notes of the happenings and post them on Hal's blog. Not politics, just facts.
    Thank you.

  2. I would hope that he comes here, and updates all of us or goes to Mike & Ann's blog and updates all of us. He will be missed.

  3. I don't understand why Dwight left the TU. If he felt people were taking advantage of him, why did he post their comments?
    What does hi-jacking bi-lines mean?
    Why did he delete all of his postings? Is that to make it impossible to see how political some of Dwight,s blogs were?
    Example-In mid Feb., Dwight asked for an emergency meeting to be called for a new vote on the audit. Who would be surprised if the comments were NOT political? I WOULD!
    To whom is his anger directed?
    When Dwight blogged about the Finance Committee Meeting, why did he accept comments?
    If he really did not want any politics, he should have ended with, NO COMMENTS ACCEPTED.
    There seems to be more than meets the eye.
    I just do not understand. This was so sudden!
    What am I missing?

  4. Wow, do I agree with Deb! Her thoughts are my thoughts!!! Sommething seems wrong.

  5. Deb - Mary and all,

    I have no insight on what Dwight is thinking or why he pulled the plug. I simply reported it here and expressed my sorrow at the loss of his input. What I do know is:

    His last blog had a comment that attacked me personally (not by Dwight), not the facts I was putting out but me. While I don't enjoy this, I responded via Dwight's blog with a post that simply requested the basis of the "facts" that the person (never used his/her real name)relied on the arrive at their "facts". I kept it civil and requested to sit down with the individual to discuss his/her misinterpretations of my reasons for wanting no new or higher taxes and some suggestions I had to reduce spending. I don't know if my response was ever posted or not.

    This may or may not have had anything to do with Dwight's decision. I hope it was nothing to do with me and don't think this post was the straw, but if I have any responsibility, Dwight, please forgive me.

    If and when Dwight wants to explain further why he pulled the plug, he is welcome to do so here or anywhere else he chooses.

    If anyone else has FACTS that they want to share, I am curios as all others are.....

  6. Oh, please, Hal. What you said was not only posted but you were 100% correct. You said something like this-If the taxes are raised I will have to close my business. If the taxes are raised, my family will have to lock our doors and move.
    As for politics-I have not seen any comments on the TU Blog lately that were as mean, nasty and cruel as those made last fall. Funny, those comments were approved and not considered too political!!!

  7. Laurie,

    Thanks for the update. I only hope anonymous got a chance to read it. I didn't specifically mention closing my business, because that stopped being profitable about two years ago and I have all but legally closed it down. Also I have no plans of moving because I believe in the Town and love it here. As anonymous stated, I do feel safe here. Calling for the investigation of possibly saving money by moving dispatch to the County has nothing to do with anything but saving money. Did you know, that the dispatchers receive longevity pay of $1,000 per year for each year of work up to 19 years? That means after 19 years a dispatcher gets $19,000 in longevity pay alone. Anything they make on overtime is fine with me as the position needs to be filled. If it is cheaper to pay overtime than hire more people, God bless them for stepping up. When I worked for Albany Fire Department we too got longevity pay. I think the largest amount I received was $350 per year after 10 years. Am I jealous of the dispatchers? no, I am appauled! How many other contracts are bloated like the dispatchers in our Town? I mention the dispatchers because that is the one I know about and the one where there appears to be an easy solution to correct. Hey, I don't wish to have anyone lose their jobs, dispatchers or teachers that were informed they are loosing theirs yesterday, but we just can't keep raising taxes or there will be no one left to pay them. I applaud the school administrators for making difficult decisions and think they should go further by cutting administrative salaries and positions to make up the rest of the proposed budget increase so we can have zero growth in the budget. I would be interested to see if there is a planned raise in the teachers contract. That should be put on the table as well. How much can we get for that new sign if we put it on ebay?

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